04 May 2015

Ginseng for the Soul #7

Words of Advice to Those Without Children

  • Stop saying that you slept like a baby. You obviously don't know what a baby sleeps like (waking up every two hours and crying a lot).
  • Having a child does not end your life or your career. You will now have to learn how to balance career, parenthood, and social life, but it is only as difficult as you make it.
  • As much as you may think you know how to take care of a baby from helping with your younger siblings, you don't.
  • You once screamed and cried and pooped your pants and threw tantrums too. Unless you were born 20 years old and fully developed, some stranger had to listen to and be annoyed by you.
  • You will never be ready for a child, so don't use that as an excuse to put off having children. The truth is, you don't want a child yet, so be honest about it (we won't judge).
  • No, getting pregnant is not a recommended way to keep your boyfriend from leaving you (and knocking up your girlfriend is not a good way to keep her from leaving either).
  • Please stop saying smooth as a baby's bottom. It's just downright creepy!

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