08 June 2015

Retrospection 5/25-6/6/15

Sorry for missing last week's Retrospection, so here is a double whammy to spice things up! Even though this is also a day late....

5/25: Ginseng for the Soul
Product placement overloads while zombies groan over these puns.

5/25: In Memorial
A poem for the fallen during Memorial Day.

5/26-5/27: Nada

5/28: Throwback Thursdays
We are Revisiting the Movies of 1952 by singing along with Gene Kelly in Singin' in the Rain.

5/29-5/31: Nada (too much hwiskey)

6/1: Ginseng for the Soul
Solomon-esque tweets are followed by a barrage of Dad jokes.

6/2: This Is a Football
I debate whether or not even Chip Kelly knows what he is doing in Philadelphia.

6/3: No Pain, No Game
Dragon Age: Inquisition takes us inside an interesting world experiencing the creation of a religious figurehead.

6/4: Throwback Thursdays
1953 takes us back to the Japanese classic Tokyo Story, a timeless tale of the modern family.

6/5: The Should, the Could and the Empty
Melissa McCarthy is alright but Spy ends up being a very forgettable movie.

6/6: The Writer Within
The abnormal of Australia are shown in my short story The Marked Man.

One majorly full week down, and now it's summer, baby! Enjoy the sweat, sunburns, and greasy food!

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