30 March 2014

Retrospection #4 (3/24-3/29)

Back to school with a bang, and three movies released in Tulsa that I wanted to see! Expect reviews next week, or at least one, you know. Full blog week next week as well!

  • Haikuception and the Rules according to women.

3/25: Nada

3/26: Nada (tests, man)

Sometimes the most beautiful romances come from very unexpected sources, as evidenced by the film Her.

Everyone loves Zorro, so why not revisit the origins of the swashbuckler, with The Mark of Zorro.

3/29: Nada (went to see Grand Budapest Hotel on Thursday and followed it up by seeing Enemy on Saturday)

We can make it through the rest of the semester, you and me. If not, well, I promise to put in the minimal effort to assure that you have a nice-ish funeral. Maybe.

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