21 March 2014

Revisiting the Movies of the 1910's (Flashback Fridays #3)

Baron Munchausen’s Dream (1911)

Have you ever had a peculiar dream that you only wish that you could recreate? Gottfried August Bürger, a French novelist in the 1900’s, did and decided to write it down as a fictional character’s liquor-sodden vision. Along came Georges Méliès, heading towards the end of his illustrious career, and he took Bürger’s dream and brought it to life. I cannot stress enough how much I admire Méliès and his work, and so I placed him twice in my early year films.

Most people know either the 1943 or 1988 films “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen”, but this was the true original. I think my favorite part is where he goes through a hell-like scene, and the entire film is very reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland, but that movie was yet to come. I also love the music that accompanies the visuals, very much setting the mood and often I will play the film on YouTube and just listen to the audio while doing something else. Great piece from Méliès, and his final appearance on the list. To the extraordinary Frenchman, however, we must bid adieu.

P.S. - Want to watch the 10 minute film, or at least enjoy the music? Click this link.

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