31 March 2014

Ginseng (for the Soul) #5

                            Non-    Truths
                   Save    Timespent,    Lost
           Try    Vainlygain    Catharsis,    Lie
Fail    Fallinto    Probatasveritas    Orperish,    Die

Yo mama so fat, the portrait of her keeps falling off the wall.

Yo mama so fat, when she sits on the beach, Greenpeace shows up and tries to tow her back into the ocean.

Yo daddy so dumb, he ran outside with a spoon when the news said the weather was chilly.

Yo mama so fat, she always has to eat with a fork. Lift.

Yo mama so fat, she measures 36-24-36, and the other arm is just as big.

Yo mama so fat, when you visit the zoo, the elephants throw peanuts at her.

Yo mama so fat, I asked a monk for his opinion of her, and he told me that he could not comment since cows are considered sacred in his country.

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