07 April 2014

Ginseng (for the Soul) #6

I post this from now, 5:44 am Central U.S. time, to say that I truly and dearly

Hate homework.

That is all. Otherwise, enjoy your morning and week like I'm sure that I will! *cough cough*

Signs That You’re Too Big for Your Pants

You've lost feeling below your ankles. Or hips.

Whenever you walk, you have to fabricate a story about a knee-injury to justify your waddling like a duck.

You lost a finger the last time you tried to pull your wallet out of your back pocket.

People sometimes ask you, "Are you a professional scuba diver, or do you just wear the gear?"

The last time you sat down, the button of your pants snapped off and injured a co-worker.

It takes you forty-five minutes to put your pants on, even with the aid of a small crane and power winch.

When you ask for an honest opinion, your spouse tells you that your pants look great.

P.S. - Did you notice how I used two different "your" words in the same sentence correctly? It's not actually that difficult, internet!

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