28 February 2014

Introduction to My Blog

Welcome to my new blog!


Which shall stand for the three R’s:
Read Write Review
And the fact that I am the third Robert in my family line.


I love movies.
I love books.
I love football.
I love writing.
So heck, why not devote a blog to everything?

I promise you, the reader, that I will do my absolute best to stick to the schedule that I have outlined at the bottom of this post. It basically has me putting out a minimum of 3 new posts a week, along with a recap every Sunday. On the first week of every month, however, I will have 3 monthly posts that will give you a full week of reading! May you enjoy my writing and reviews as much as I enjoy completing them.

Forward unto Dawn!

Monday: Ginseng (for the Soul)
-This is a weekly starter for everyone (including me) by posting one short poem and a joke (which I hope some will help me with finding!).

Tuesday: This Is a Football
-Yes, I am totally going to reuse my old blog name for this monthly series! This will ALWAYS focus on everything football related, and may vary in length according to how much is happening or what I have time to write! Expect this every first Tuesday of the month.

Wednesday: The Should, the Could and the Empty (Film Snob)
-How could I possibly make a blog without a weekly movie review? This will focus on either films in the theaters (as I see them), Redbox rentals (when I see them), or great movies from recent memory that not enough people saw (as I call them). I will also put TV show reviews in here whenever I have space.

Thursday: 451 Kindlings
-This will be a monthly series that focuses on reviewing books that I have read, either very recently (preferably) or that I find in my bookshelves and remember that I love! This will be posted every first Thursday of the month.

Friday: Flashback Fridays
-I will also have a second series devoted to films, but this will be for those that have past their expiration date. As of right now, I have a series titled Revisiting the Movies that I will be posting in this space, which revisits every year of film up till today from the 1890’s. Once that finishes up, I will go right into a new Top 50 Films of All Time.

Saturday: The Writer Within
-A writer’s blog cannot be complete without a timeslot for my own writing, whether it be short stories, long poems, essays, rants, or even previews of novels/novellas that I am working on. This will pop up on the first Saturday of every month.

Sunday: Retrospection
-Finally, there will be a weekly recap of all that I have posted from Monday through Saturday, in case you missed anything and just wanted the gist (but you would never do that to me, right?).

-I will totally take requests for movie/book/TV show/video game reviews! Ask me questions, make requests, do whatever. I’ll name small blogs like these Robbin’ Good.
-I personally guarantee that Ginseng, Film Snob, and Weekly Recaps will occur weekly, but since my schedule fluctuates, I cannot do the same for the other series. On the other end of the spectrum, however, if I find that I have extra time, I might post a bonus blog! We’ll call these the Flubberghasts (why? Well, I like the word flabbergasted, the movie Flubber, and Ghasts from Minecraft… don’t judge), and they will pop up from time to time. One might say they’ll bounce in and out, destroy the ordered world, and otherwise flabbergast the readers (ha, all three meanings, awesome).


-Robert DB

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